Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pay Off Debts in an Easier Manner Through Debt Management Advise

Any borrower may face a debt situation in these days when spending habits have become difficult to reign in because of frequent use of credit cards or obsessive shopping. But at the same time one should make efforts to mange debts. A debt ridden borrower must be advised well on debt management or he or she may be in a financial crisis situation. Advice on debt management covers all aspects of managing debts and is more useful especially for bad credit people.

You may be advised on debt management from your friends who have gone through a debt phase and knows enough to how to manage them or you can opt for a professional who is an expert of managing others’ debts.

Any one who advises on debt management first of all assesses your debts including interest to be paid on them. Then your repaying capacity is taken into account. In doing so your income and regular expenses are calculated. Thus you arrive at a real repaying capacity and know how much you can spare each month for clearing debts easily. Then the adviser on debt management takes the repayment plan to your creditors and negotiates for reducing interest rate on debts or reducing debts. Usually creditors agree to the plan.

As a next step, you are required to make a monthly payment to the company that has negotiated with your creditors. The company then disburses the amount to your creditors each month regularly ensuring that the debts thus are paid off. This way you make reduced monthly payments towards clearing debts.

But you should focus on cutting your unwanted expenditures so that you can save as much as possible for paying the debts. The more you save to more you have money to clear debts in timely manner. You are also advised to stick to the debt repayment plan or you may never be able to pay the debts off.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Debt Management Advice

Managing debt can be challenging, particularly when your debt comes from a variety of sources. Many people have debts in mortgages, personal loans and credit cards. Debt management involves budgeting so you can pay off these debts as quickly as possible whilst having money left to live on.

There are many debt management companies and services which will assist you in budgeting in regards to a debt management plan. They will tell you how to manage debt by coming up with solutions and plans and providing debt management advice. If you are unsure of what to do so solve your debt problems then turning to a debt management center may be the way to go to set you off on the right track to being debt free.

Firstly these companies will do a debt evaluation on you. They will find out exactly what debt you have, what the interests rates and monthly payments are and of course how this all relates to your expenditure and income. Although mortgage and personal loans are relatively simple to manage, credit card debt management is a little more challenging because of the availability of the card to you for further use. Many debt management solutions will ask you to hide or even destroy your credit card so that you will no longer be tempted to use it to incur more debt.

Some tips to control and pay off your debts quicker include having your pay check go straight into the mortgage or credit card bill, always have a budget for the week which includes food, gas and other necessities and of course simply put aside that credit card and never purchase anything unless you have the cash to do so.

Mike Torres is a Credit Repair expert. He is a financial analyst for the Nation's biggest bank. His articles can be found on Debt Help Now

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Consumer Debt Is A Financial Killer

One of the best ways to reclaim your financial future is to repay those high interest consumer loans and then restrict the use of credit cards to emergencies and fast investment cash.

Therefore, a crucial step in creating wealth is to reduce your dependence on credit cards and ensure future monthly payments on all of your cards combined never exceeds 10% of your after tax income.

Consumer debt is usually used to finance the purchase of “nice to have” things--which typically depreciate in value. Whereas, investment debt is the use of financing to purchase things which go up in value, like real estate, antiques, and well-run businesses.

Consumer credit increased at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in May 2006, while revolving credit increased at an annual rate of 10 percent. The Federal Reserve Statistical Release for July 10, 2006, indicates Americans currently owe over 808 billion dollars in revolving debt, which is principally credit cards and auto loans, and over 1.3 trillion dollars in non-revolving debt.

According to U.S. Bankruptcy Court statistics, there were well over 2 million bankruptcy flings made in 2005 alone, with the vast majority of these non-business related filings. Remember, there are approximately 123 million working Americans; therefore, this number represents nearly 2 percent of the working population. The abuse of credit cards by the American consumer has become a financial epidemic.

The propensity of Americans to assume high interest credit card debt, while fearing the use of debt to make intelligent investments, is mind-boggling. Consider this example. A new car may cost you up to $500 per month. At the end of 5 years, you will have a significantly depreciated car, with a loss of $30,000 or more in principal and interest payments.

Compare this to purchasing a rental property. In the worse case scenario, you may expect to make payments during vacancies, provide for unscheduled maintenance, and carry a negative cash flow from month to month. However, at the same time you will be enjoying a property that appreciates in value, while giving you a valuable tax write-off.

Appreciation and tax write-offs are not the primary reason to get involved in real estate, nor is carrying a negative cash flow a pleasant thought. But, in the long run, this is more advantageous to your wealth goals than the car loan.

As a credit consumer you should also protect yourself against the dreaded Universal Default Clause. Amazingly, a large percentage of major credit card issuers have this clause tucked into your user agreement.

Essentially, the Universal Default Clause allows your credit card company to significantly increase your interest rate and fees based on your credit score and payment history with other lenders, including your home and car loan.

Watch out for this clause and try to avoid doing business with credit card companies that use this tactic to prey on their less sophisticated customers.

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